Personal Licence Mock Exams (APLH)

To pass the BIIAB Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders you must score at least answer 28 of the 40 questions correctly. You can download a PDF of the exam mock questons to your desktop and print them out or you can use the online quiz at the bottom of the page.

Each one of the personal licence mock exam questions is in a multiple choice format with a choice of four answers of which only one answer is correct.

If you would like to try more personal licence mock exams then please feel free to contact us.

Once you have completed the Innpacked free mock exam you can book a discounted place on our new online APLH course and online examination. This can all be done from the comfort of your own home.

This cutting-edge, multi-device e-learning course provides learners with the knowledge they need to go on to achieve a Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders qualification in an enjoyable and interactive way.

Once you have completed the e-learning course all you have to do is let us know and we will book a time slot that is convenient to you for your APLH online exam.

Click here for more information.

APLH Mock Exam Questions 2021

Just like the exam: 40 multiple choice questions, a score of 28 to pass.

APLH Mock Exam Test


Included in the Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH mock exam questions download paper and at the end of the Personal Licence online quiz you can access our new online APLH course and online examination)

Although our head office is in Bournemouth we deliver, in “normal times” personal licence courses at over 70 training venues nationally so when things return to “normal” you will be able to access a classroom based personal licence holders courses in your local area or you can complete our new online APLH course and online examination.

Licensing Help

The chances are that if you are wish to attain your APLH certificate you are either currently in the trade and want to advance your career by getting a Personal Licence or you could be adding the sale of alcohol to your current business, or you might even be buying or starting an alcohol retail business. If any of these are you then Innpacked can help.

If you sit your APLH with Innpacked we can also submitt your personal licence application on your behalf at a discounted rate, the whole APLH/Personal Licence Application package including all APLH online exam and course fees and Personal licence application fees at only £259 including vat. All you have to do is pass the exam and with a pass rate of 99.8% you can be confident of success. We take care of the rest.

If you are starting or buying an alcohol business Innpacked can also help you either make a new Premises Licence Application or transfer an existing Premises Licence and change the Designated Premises Supervisor.

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